
深圳市博诚达塑胶制品有限公司,位于宝安龙华新区观澜大布巷白门前12巷1号,其前身为创建于2004年的深圳市恒盛塑胶五金制品有限公司。 公司专业生产GPS支架等产品,生产能力强、效率高,货源长期稳定充足,产品质量一流。 公司以市场为导向,积极参与市场竞争,并为此建立了严格的培训制度和品质管理标准。从员工进厂到上岗、从原料进厂到出厂,各个环节、各道工序均受严格把关。同时,全体员工竭诚做到“顾客第一,真诚服务”。因公司拥有高素质的优秀管理人员、精益求精的生产技术、丰富的销售经验、优良的服务方针,才使得企业规模不断壮大。 我们愿以优质的产品、合理的价格、真诚的服务,与您携手合作,力争成为您最佳的合作伙伴,共创美好明天! Shenzhen Bochengda Plastic Hardware Production Co., Ltd. locates on Baimenqian No. 1 lane 12th, Dabuxiang Comunity, Guanlan Town, Longhua New District, Shenzhen City Guangdong Province. The predecessor of the company is Shenzhen Hungsung Plastic Hardware Production Co., Ltd founded in 2004. The company focuses on the production of GPS plastic holders. The company has the formidable productivity and high production efficiency. Therefore, the source of products is ample and the quality is first-class. The company persists in taking the market as the orientation and takes an active part in trade competition. Consequently it forms strict training regulations and quality administrative standard. The company strictly checks on each segment and working procedure, even on the freshmen training and the raw material purchasing. Furthermore, all the employees always insist on the following policies: customers first and service sincere. The scale of enterprise expands rapidly because the company has high-caliber managing staff, keep-improving manufacturing technique, extensive experience in sales and superior service guidelines. Bochengda will cooperate with the customers based on the good-quality products, reasonable price and sincere service. The company is trying it’s best to be the customers’ best cooperative partner and create a bright future with them. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:广东深圳市宝安区深圳市宝安区龙华新区观澜大布巷白门前12巷1号---客服QQ:568994482 浙ICP备17016739号-4
